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About Us

Welcome to i-eSchool

Welcome to i-eSchool, the premier online tutoring school for students seeking personalised, one-to-one tutoring with trained tutors from their home country. At i-eSchool, we understand that diaspora families want their children to not only receive a high-quality education but also learn about their cultural heritage. That's why we've created a unique online tutoring programme that connects students with experienced tutors from their home country who can provide personalised support and help them stay connected to their cultural roots. 


Our one-to-one tutoring programme is designed to meet the individual needs and learning styles of every student. Our tutors are highly qualified and experienced in teaching various subjects, including Maths, Science, English language, and Islamic studies. They are also knowledgeable about the cultural traditions and customs of various diaspora communities and are dedicated to helping students embrace their cultural heritage while achieving academic success. 

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